Welcome to Money and Investing for Kids

At They Didnt Tell Us this.... Money and Investing for Kids, we believe that every child has the potential to become a millionaire or at least financially free. Our mission is to provide the tools, skills, and knowledge needed to make that a reality. Through interactive and engaging courses, we teach kids the principles of money management and investing, setting them up for a financially secure future.


Financial literacy courses

Our financial literacy courses cover topics such as budgeting, saving, and understanding the value of money. Kids learn practical skills that will benefit them for a lifetime.

Investing workshops

In our investing workshops, children are introduced to the world of stocks, bonds, and real estate. They gain hands-on experience in making strategic investment decisions.

Wealth-building activities

Through wealth-building activities, kids learn the importance of entrepreneurship, passive income, and creating multiple streams of revenue.

Frequently Asked Questions

What age group is the program designed for?

Our program is designed for children aged 8-18, but the content is tailored to suit different age groups within that range. We offer group workshops for primary and secondary school pupils, for up to 30 pupils per session. We also offer one-to-one mentoring for college and higher education students, aged 16-18.

How can I track my child's progress?

All pupils will be given a financial journal that will allow them to track their spending habits, budget effectivley and detail their financial steps. Parents will be able to see thier child's finacial journey in real-time, as they develop.

What sets your program apart from others?

Our program goes beyond basic financial education by instilling a mindset of abundance, creativity, and strategic thinking. We aim that every pupil that completes our workshops, view how to spend money differently. This will in-turn alter their financial decisions making a clearer path to financial freedom. We empower kids to understand that it doesnt matter how gifted you are, how smart you are, what background you may come from, or what profession you may choose. Every body has the opporunity to be financially successful. All that is required is knowledge,discipline and patience. 

How do I book workshops and discuss pricing?

Email the team at TDTUTLTD@gmail.com , leaving your name, contact number and breif description of enquiry. They will contact you within 24hrs with all the information you will need. Alternatlivey, call 07869883290 for block bookings and specifc requiremnts. 

“Since enrolling in the mentor program, my child's understanding of money and investing has grown exponentially. I've seen a positive change in their attitude towards saving and making smart financial decisions. I highly recommend this program to all parents who want to give their kids a head start in building wealth.”

— Emily Johnson, Mom of 3

“It's refreshing to see, delivery of a course in finance to kids, that has them engaged the whole time. From start to finish, kids were enthusiastic and excited to learn. The famous quote "Millionaire in 30 years” had every one in the room, including myself, writing notes. Well done Sir, a thoroughly enjoyable workshop"

— Mr Jones, Hamstead Hall School

“We booked the money and budgeting for kids for our Year 6 class, and what an eye opener it was. We never knew how much 10-11 year olds, would care so much about money. Mrs Chandler and I remember around 30 minutes in, every pupils hand up, ready to ask a different question. It was actually so refreshing to see them like this outside the standard curriculum. We have already booked another workshop for the spring term. Thank you!

— Mrs Walker, St Francis Primary 

“A very well delivered and thought-out workshop. Pupils left with real world knowledge and tools about, budgeting, spending habits and even the introduction into stocks and shares. It was delivered by Mr Asphall and can I commend him personally on his professionalism and charismatic delivery. The ability for a visitor to have a room full of Year 11 students focused and excited for over 90mins is impressive within itself. Thank you, we will be booking again.

— Mr S Clarke,  Head of Year 11

“Sir that was one of the best speakers, you've brought in. I'm going to look up stocks". This was the first thing said to me after the workshop was finished. Every single student I asked enjoyed it, but more importantly every student could tell me something that they had learned. We all appreciated the fresh, original and unfiltered approach to talking about budgeting, finance and wealth. I would be lying if I said I didn't learn a few things myself, along with the rest of the staff. Excellent. Thank you. 

— Mr Turner,  Head of Sixth Form 

Contact us

Reach out to us with any questions or to enroll your child in our program.


They Didn't Tell Us this.... Money and Investing for Kids
West Midlands, England, United Kingdom

They Didn't tell us this...Money and Investing

We care about your children's financial future as much as you do. Join the team and lets work together to give the best possible start to their financial freedom journey. Contact us and lets do this!